Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Every journey begins with a single step.

I've always wanted to use that quote somewhere :)

I am hoping to change my life and my lifestyle.

I quit smoking 9 days ago on Friday 2nd May 2008.
Prior to this I was smoking between 2-3 packs per day. Quitting has been amazingly easy and unbelieveably hard to accomplish at the same time.
I quit cold turkey. I ran out of ciggs on a friday night and just said, "Fuckit, I'm done."
Some days I breeze through, other times every goddammed second seems to last an eternity and all I want to do is pick up my car keys and drive to the grocery or gas station so I can get a fucking SMOKE.
I have not had a ciggarette in 9 days, I am very proud of myself.

I honestly didn't know that I would be able to accomplish this.

I weighed 220lbs on the 2nd May 2008. This was the heaviest I have ever been in my life. I was drinking a whole 2 litre Coca-Cola by myself every day.

As of today, Tuesday 13th May 2008, I am 217.5 lbs. I am very well aware that I will never reach my supposed "goal" weight of 140lbs and I am fine with that.
I have no goal weight in mind. I just want to be healthier.

I want to be able to buy clothes that I look good in, not just whatever can fit. 

I think that's going to be it for my first post. I just wanted to get that off of my chest and out there into the wilds of the internet.

See ya round.

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