Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Words cannot explain..

..the utter JOY involved in;

-waking up late
-jumping in the shower while brushing my teeth (cause yes I am that late)
-pulling on clothes frantically
-deciding that fuckitall it DOES NOT MATTER if they MATCH goddammitalltohell
-grabbing my bag
-flying out the front door
-banging my funny bone on my car door
-finally getting into the car
-putting the key in the ignition

only to hear;

*CLACK* *CLACK* *CLACK* and the lights on the dash winking out.

I tell you, if I didn't laugh I would be crying.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Find A Happy Place

Courtsey of the ever fabulous Ambulance Driver, comes a story of Animal Magnetism...in spades!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Linky Lurrrvvvv!!

So I swear I'm not doing this on purpose! I just seem to be finding the most hilarious things on the 'Net over the last few days.

My new fav is Kontraband's "Political Pictographs" as told by those little model men from bathroom doors. It's decidedly NSFW, you've been warned!

Here's "Hedonism" just to give you a taste!

Friday, September 18, 2009

I swear I'm going to thumbtack this to their HEADS!!


I was bouncing around on the 'net and came across www.cracked.com's list of the 10 most obnoxious cell phone callers:

Dear God in heaven they are talking about things that drive me totally bugfuck.

I wish some of my residents would print out the list and keep it next to their phones, it would seriously cut down on the amount of times I have attempted to strangle my phone while listening to bullshit messages.

This one caught my eye because of the antics of one particularly useless woman whose motto is "the squeaky wheel gets the grease". I have been wanting to reply "and the empty barrel makes the most noise" for quite some time now.

The Overcaller

You can forget about ever having 45 minutes to yourself these days, because the Overcaller is going to rain a torrent of calls upon you for the better part of the afternoon. Overcallers have taken the concept of "redial" beyond several levels, and those several levels were: "annoy," "pester," "badger," "harass," "torment" and "torture." Sometimes they'll leave messages, and on other calls they won't, but either way it won't matter.

Which is even more annoying than these dickbags.

When you finally attempt to check your five new messages to discover what could possibly be so urgent, the Overcaller will interrupt you by calling yet again on the other line. After switching over you will be subjected to a familiar DEFCON 1 apeshit greeting: "Oh my god, where have you been?!" Such behavior would be acceptable if there were ever an actual emergency. But the Overcaller habitually calls in frenzied bursts for the most frivolous matters. Worse still, after they've already left a message, the Overcaller will occasionally leave an additional message that says nothing but "Hey, I already called and left a message, but here's another one just to let you know that I still want to talk to you." Messages about messages about messages. God. Damn.

Why They Do This:

The Overcaller is almost forgivable because, at the end of the day, they're just very focused to the point of single-minded intensity. They know they want to talk to you about something (bullshit, we presume) (FGW in : every blasted time!!!), and they can't really think about anything else until they do. They can't get to their next item on their mental "To Do" list until "Yammer like an idiot to my friend" is crossed off. That's why they call every 30 seconds. What else would they do?

Alternate Explanation:

They are calling about something illegal in progress.

What They'll Never Understand:

Many times the "squeaky wheel" is just "damaged" and eventually "scrapped." <---I laughed so hard when I saw this! Oh, cracked, you made my day !!

Monday, September 7, 2009