Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sorrel - Part 2

Based on various recipes and incantations, I left the sorrel to steep overnight in the (covered ) pressure cooker after boiling the heck out of it.

This might have been a mistake.

When I finally cracked the lid this morning, instead of being lightly scented with spice, near visible waves of cinnamon with only a hint of sorrel rolled through my kitchen.
I'm not really a fan of cinnamon, so this is quite disconcerting for someone with gallons of cinnamonnnyyy goodness now in residence.

In addition to this Faux Pas, I had intended to use the Glycemic friendly sugar substitute Splenda to sweeten said potion.

This made it taste like a plastic christmas candle.( A plastic christmas candle manufactured in a place where the foreman, who we will call Bob,( but could easily be 鲍步) gestures to the 50 gallon drums behind him, all conspicuously marked with "Artifical Cinnamon Scent" and "Contains .5% Actual Cinnamon!!!" and tells Fred/弗雷德里克 ( the long suffering factory worker) "It's as Good as the Real Thing, maybe even Better!!", to which Fred rolls his eyes and privately thanks his lucky stars that this shit is for Export Only as the Christmas purists round his parts would hang him from the ankles and beat him with poinsettia garlands if they dared sell it here.)

The sorrel was swiftly rescued by the addition of approx. 2 lbs of sugar.

So went the first ever brewing of sorrel in Casa de Fat Girl.

I am having a cigarette.

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