Thursday, November 19, 2009

Here's a Big Fat Hint

I'm a property manager. I'm the person who gets called when there is a problem. I enjoy what I do.


One individual has caused me more grief than all the others combined and multiplied X100. I have new rules for her, here they are;

- If you consistently call me after 4pm with NON-EMERGENCY complaints.

-If you are verbally abusive to me and say things like "You don't care about (us) because you don't live here" when you call me after 4pm every god-dammed day.

Then here's what happens in My World;

- You will leave a fucking message.

- I will check the message and decide based on the contents of the message, what my course of action will be.

- If you leave a message that says "Call me back OMG !111!!!" you will not be getting a call back this evening as you have not outlined an EMERGENCY.

-These rules apply to you and you alone. They do not apply to your husband or any of the other residents. This is because they have demonstrated good phone etiquette, which you have consistently failed to do.

That is all.

Fat Girl Out.

1 comment:

Maria said...

Ugh. I have a client who has a child that I LOVE but she drives me insane. She is under the mistaken impression that because I work with her autistic child that I am on call 24 hours a day whenever she has a problem. Her latest dilemma: she was positive that he was deliberately refusing to have a bowel movement just to annoy her.

Good hell.