Friday, January 30, 2009

Exercise is bunk. If you are healthy, you don't need it: if you are sick you should not take it. - Henry Ford

Well, since last we spoke, this Fat Girl has been walking and walking and dearlordbabyjesusinhismanger SWEATING MY DAMN ASS OFF!!!#$%^$$

Went to my second appointment with the dietician thinking that with all the work that I have done I must have lost at least 10 lbs. Or even 15... Yeah, 15 !!!!

(I'm not allowed to weigh myself cause I'd get "discouraged" remember this, it gets important in a sec)

So there I go bouncing into her office, shoes and socks off blabbing away about how much better my (FAT) jeans are fitting and how the diet isn't that hard. How I am losing fat in my stomach area which has NEVER evaaarrr happened before.

I jump on the scale and look down at the numbers to see:

                                                                226.6 lbs

                                                        B.M.I : 49.5%

I hop off and hop back on.

Dietician cocks an eyebrow.

"Must be defective", I mutter, repeating my motion uselessly.

Those numbers, they Mock Me. 

It took me a few seconds to realise that my Fat Ass had lost a total of 4 freakin lbs.

How I did not freak to fuck out and burst into tears then and there I will never know. I zoned out for a few seconds, but my attention snapped back when I heard, "Oh you are right on track, 2lbs a week is our goal and you are spot on."

I managed to sputter about how much Exercise I had done in the last two weeks, her reply was, "Well yes, you see you've also lost .5% of body fat!!"

Then she SMILED.

I am quietly plotting revenge....

1 comment:

Maria said...

My scale at home says I weigh 7 lb less than the one at my doctor's office. I am always just...shocked.