I've been following the run up to the U.S elections with great interest for a while now. I, like most of the world, am curious to discover what the people who chose 8 years with that idiot are going to do now that they can't re-elect him.
Based on the issues, I support Obama, (again,along with the rest of the world).
The issues, though, only tell part of the story. I find myself becoming more and more a fan of Obama. I find him and his wife compelling speakers and I am interested in seeing what they would do to the White House, policywise.
His world trip a few months ago was so fresh and original a move that I was left speechless. He managed to accomplish dialog with persons and nations that had previously turned away from the U.S in utter disgust at their foreign policy.
McCain carries absolutely no appeal for me. He is increasingly annoying the shit out of me by repeatedly referring to Obama as elitist.
That's damn rich coming from a guy who can't remember how many houses he owns and thinks that if you have $5Million in the bank you are wealthy.
Buddy, I hate to break it to you, but most of the people in that country that you want to run ?
They make a lot less than that.
A lot.
The thing that most bothers me though, is McCains VP pick. Palin disturbs me on so many levels that if I were a resident of the States, I would be prompted to volunteer for Obamas campaign and donate all my money just so that she would not come within striking distance of the White House.
The one issue (among many) that would prompt me to do this ?
Palin opposes abortion under any circumstances. She has stated that she will work towards a federal ban on abortion.
If you are raped ?
If you are a victim of incest ?
If your life was in danger because of the pregnancy ?
Sorry, but you would have to carry that child to term.
And suddenly, we are back to the days of back alley abortions and a shroud of secrecy over the whole process. Misinformation and doubt will rule...oh wait, you guys already have that in your "abstinence only" programs that have been shown, repeatedly, to be a failure.
Palin is the new head of a dangerous trend in the US of making policy based on reilgon. Separation of Church and State does not exist to these people and they think that their morality should be imposed on everyone. (Seeing as how the U.S is the de-facto leader on this side of the globe, this means that U.S policy has a HUGE reigonal impact.) Bush junior started it by slashing US funding to Family Planning organizations operating in the third world, cause guess what, they handed out condoms and performed abortions.
I simply cannot understand why any woman would vote for her. While I personally would not have an abortion, I will defend to the death your right to have one.
It is our right to have that choice.
It scares me SHITLESS that if McCain were elected and died in office, that this woman would be President.
I need to go have a drink now....
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