Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Health is not valued till sickness comes.- Dr. Thomas Fuller

Many, many blog-worthy things have happened since my last post.

Unfortunately, I was too busy dealing with them to blog about them.

1) The BF ended up having to be re-admitted to the ER three days after we had left. His gallbladder has taken the blame for this. A week, Shit loads of antibiotics and my firstborn child later, we escaped the hospital.

2) I have started smoking again. See above for the reason why.

3) The BF is now on a no Oil, Milk or Dairy Diet.

We're drinking Soy Milk, people. Soy. Milk.


4) The major causes of gallbladder disease are; heavy drinking and high cholesterol. The BF has low cholesterol and drinks once in a blue moon. This caused his doctor to comment that he may have a genetic enzyme deficiency.

WTF ? Whuuuuuuut???

Wouldn't this have come up before ohhh saaaay the LAST 31 FUCKING YEARS THAT HE'S BEEN ALIVE ???

Needless to say, we are seeking a second opinion.

I think I should have the option of skipping the rest of this year, don't you ?

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