Bless XKCD for saying exactly what geeks worldwide already know..
Monday, October 19, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Monty Python Strikes Again!!
I fell in love with Monty Python back when "Are you Being Served" and "Fawlty Towers" was on TV. Here's Eric Idle doing what he does best!!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Yet ANOTHER Awesome Wedding Entrance!
I don't know why I keep finding these awesome wedding entrance videos, but here's another one that encapsulates what I think a bride should feel like on her big day.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Six months ago, I was rushing around trying to buy a birthday card for my father. I was browsing around the card store when I saw this tiny little print of a painting. I had to look at it for a few seconds to figure out what had caught my eye. There, in amongst the stalks of plants in the print, was this little Red Snake.
I fell in love with it and bought it on the spot, even though it was expensive for a print.
Three months ago, I looked up the artist and found out that he lives and works in Trinidad and that he has a web-site.
Browsing around his site, I saw the painting "Red Snake" was listed as "available".
I instantly shot off an e-mail to the artist, Wulf Gerstenmaier. He wrote back immediately and told me that, unfortunately, the painting had been sold.
I wasn't surprised, but thanked him for his reply.
Last week, I got another e-mail from Mr. Gerstenmaier, letting me know that the painting had been mistakenly listed as sold and was I still interested ?
After jumping up and down for a few seconds, I shot off an e-mail;
Dear Mr. Gerstenmaier,
YES ! I am very interested, how much is it ?
He wrote back the next day letting me know the dimensions, and the fact that the painting is for sale for *DUN* *DUN* *DUN* Six Thousand Dollars!!
I thought about it for a few days. There is no way that I can afford to buy the painting outright. Will he be offended if I ask to pay on terms ??
I finally bit the bullet and called him. After gushing about the painting for a few sentences and apologizing about taking so long to call him back. I asked him.
And he said, "No Problem, you come see it. I will keep it until you've paid it off".
Soo, this little beauty will eventually be MINE.
I fell in love with it and bought it on the spot, even though it was expensive for a print.
Three months ago, I looked up the artist and found out that he lives and works in Trinidad and that he has a web-site.
Browsing around his site, I saw the painting "Red Snake" was listed as "available".
I instantly shot off an e-mail to the artist, Wulf Gerstenmaier. He wrote back immediately and told me that, unfortunately, the painting had been sold.
I wasn't surprised, but thanked him for his reply.
Last week, I got another e-mail from Mr. Gerstenmaier, letting me know that the painting had been mistakenly listed as sold and was I still interested ?
After jumping up and down for a few seconds, I shot off an e-mail;
Dear Mr. Gerstenmaier,
YES ! I am very interested, how much is it ?
He wrote back the next day letting me know the dimensions, and the fact that the painting is for sale for *DUN* *DUN* *DUN* Six Thousand Dollars!!
I thought about it for a few days. There is no way that I can afford to buy the painting outright. Will he be offended if I ask to pay on terms ??
I finally bit the bullet and called him. After gushing about the painting for a few sentences and apologizing about taking so long to call him back. I asked him.
And he said, "No Problem, you come see it. I will keep it until you've paid it off".
Soo, this little beauty will eventually be MINE.

Linky Luuurv - Purple Prose Edition
I am dragging my ass this morning. So instead of writing something with, yuh know, actual content?
...Here's some more linky lurrrv.
Courtesy of your friendly neighbourhood Wiki entry, the definition of "Purple Prose" is this;
"A term of literary criticism used to describe passages, or sometimes entire literary works, written in prose so overly extravagant, ornate, or flowery as to break the flow and draw attention to itself. Purple prose is sensually evocative beyond the requirements of its context. It also refers to writing that employs certain rhetorical effects such as exaggerated sentiment or pathos in an attempt to manipulate a reader's response."
I think that definition was written after someone read this.
Here my dears, is where it takes a turn for the truly odd.
Someone made a video, ".... which frantically attempts to keep track of the imagery, accompanied by a dramatic reading.
You're Welcome :)
...Here's some more linky lurrrv.
Courtesy of your friendly neighbourhood Wiki entry, the definition of "Purple Prose" is this;
"A term of literary criticism used to describe passages, or sometimes entire literary works, written in prose so overly extravagant, ornate, or flowery as to break the flow and draw attention to itself. Purple prose is sensually evocative beyond the requirements of its context. It also refers to writing that employs certain rhetorical effects such as exaggerated sentiment or pathos in an attempt to manipulate a reader's response."
I think that definition was written after someone read this.
Here my dears, is where it takes a turn for the truly odd.
Someone made a video, ".... which frantically attempts to keep track of the imagery, accompanied by a dramatic reading.
You're Welcome :)
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Third World Stupidity - TTPOST Edition
So, you live in Trinidad.
This means that on the odd occasion you might want to purchase something that;
a) just isn't available in the country, or
b) is so friggin expensive locally that it is infact cheaper for you to purchase said item online and pay up to three times the purchase price to get it shipped to you.
Enter TTPOST. The Trini answer to the US Postal Service. Complete with glossy adverts about how efficient and easy it is to ship with them.
Needless to say, they offer more than one service to ship from the US to Trinidad. One is the regular parcel post and the other is the very quick SkyBox option. Skybox allows you to ship to a US address and TTPOST takes over from there.
Enter Fat Girl Walking, who wants to ship a bulky package from the States to Trinidad and isn't interested in turning over her first born child for the privilege. She looks at the estimated shipping charges for the SkyBox option and almost falls on the floor laughing.
Regular Parcel Post it is!
This particular package proceeded on its way to Trinidad via USPS Priority and because of the very thoughtfully supplied Tracking Number, Fat Girl Walking was able to see that it left Miami a week ago.
TTPOST, bless their friggin hearts has the stupidest protocol for collecting your package. Instead of sayyy calling you up to let you know that your package has arrived, they instead receive your package at the Post Office and then MAIL you a teeny little slip of paper letting you know that it has arrived.
You CAN'T collect your package without that teeny little slip of paper.
This means that Fat Girl Walking has been checking her mailbox numerous times every day for the last week in the most OCD manner possible.
Fat Girl Walking finally hit her limit this morning when the post lady passed and still had NOTHING.
So, she called up TTPOST and asked about the package... Remember ? The package that LEFT the US a WEEK AGO ???!!!!
Well that package, and if I might quote the lovely TTPOST lady, "Arrive in Trinidad today and yuh will have to wait for us tuh send yuh de notification, an dat will take a nex week."
Will someone PLEASE explain to me how In This Day and Age a package takes an entire week to travel from Miami to Trinidad ?
Did they send it by boat ?
Messenger Pigeon ?
Also, while you are trying to wrap your head around that one...WHYYYY do I have to wait another week after it has arrived at my local Post Office to receive that goddammed little slip of paper that carries no more information than my address and how much I have to pay to liberate said package from the Post Office ??
Is it that they are trying to push their SkyBox option ? Does the non-SkyBox mail just sit in a warehouse for a bit, twiddling its thumbs, until word comes down from on high that it can proceed on its way ??
Truly Third World Stupidity at its Best.
This means that on the odd occasion you might want to purchase something that;
a) just isn't available in the country, or
b) is so friggin expensive locally that it is infact cheaper for you to purchase said item online and pay up to three times the purchase price to get it shipped to you.
Enter TTPOST. The Trini answer to the US Postal Service. Complete with glossy adverts about how efficient and easy it is to ship with them.
Needless to say, they offer more than one service to ship from the US to Trinidad. One is the regular parcel post and the other is the very quick SkyBox option. Skybox allows you to ship to a US address and TTPOST takes over from there.
Enter Fat Girl Walking, who wants to ship a bulky package from the States to Trinidad and isn't interested in turning over her first born child for the privilege. She looks at the estimated shipping charges for the SkyBox option and almost falls on the floor laughing.
Regular Parcel Post it is!
This particular package proceeded on its way to Trinidad via USPS Priority and because of the very thoughtfully supplied Tracking Number, Fat Girl Walking was able to see that it left Miami a week ago.
TTPOST, bless their friggin hearts has the stupidest protocol for collecting your package. Instead of sayyy calling you up to let you know that your package has arrived, they instead receive your package at the Post Office and then MAIL you a teeny little slip of paper letting you know that it has arrived.
You CAN'T collect your package without that teeny little slip of paper.
This means that Fat Girl Walking has been checking her mailbox numerous times every day for the last week in the most OCD manner possible.
Fat Girl Walking finally hit her limit this morning when the post lady passed and still had NOTHING.
So, she called up TTPOST and asked about the package... Remember ? The package that LEFT the US a WEEK AGO ???!!!!
Well that package, and if I might quote the lovely TTPOST lady, "Arrive in Trinidad today and yuh will have to wait for us tuh send yuh de notification, an dat will take a nex week."
Will someone PLEASE explain to me how In This Day and Age a package takes an entire week to travel from Miami to Trinidad ?
Did they send it by boat ?
Messenger Pigeon ?
Also, while you are trying to wrap your head around that one...WHYYYY do I have to wait another week after it has arrived at my local Post Office to receive that goddammed little slip of paper that carries no more information than my address and how much I have to pay to liberate said package from the Post Office ??
Is it that they are trying to push their SkyBox option ? Does the non-SkyBox mail just sit in a warehouse for a bit, twiddling its thumbs, until word comes down from on high that it can proceed on its way ??
Truly Third World Stupidity at its Best.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
It's the End of the World as We Know It
I saw this Ted Talk a few months ago. It is absolutely disturbing to me how Laurie Garrett and her "Lessons from the 1918 flu" was able to predict the process of the H1N1 flu and the horribly ineffective steps that are being taken.
This article from ScienceNews scares the pants off of me as Ms. Garrett descibed exactly this result from widespread use of the vaccine.
This article from ScienceNews scares the pants off of me as Ms. Garrett descibed exactly this result from widespread use of the vaccine.
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