Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hashing with POSH3

Hashing is.... 

Lord, how do I even explain it?

Here's the Wiki link explaining the whole insane concept.

I run with the Port of Spain Hash House Harriers, abbreviated to POSH3, their link Here. We run every other Saturday all over Trinidad.

It's not for the faint of heart, and I LOVE it.

I get very upset when I miss a hash. That feeling of OMG I DID THAT !!??? is damn addictive.

And we all know that I have an addictive personality.

Yesterday was the first time that I wasn't dead friggin last coming in.

 I was soaking with sweat, covered to the shins in Cow Poo Scented Mud!

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Glycemic Index Diet & Metformin

Since I was diagnosed with PCOS I've been telling all my friends online and irl to get checked out.

Think about yourself for a minute. What does your body shape look like ?

Do you have that "Pear" shape, you know...hips and a paunch? Do you fight to lose a lb. turn around twice and it (along with several of its friends) are now parked on your stomach??

Chances are you're Insulin Resistant.

If you've been slaving away in the gym and......


Well that isn't normal.

It's normal for women with PCOS and Insulin Resistance.

As I posted previously, no one really knows which comes first, the Insulin Resistance or the PCOS, but does it really matter ?

It can be treated.

I can only tell you what works for me. It may not work for you, but dammit, you have to start somewhere...

In my opinion Diet is the most important part of the process. It does you no good to start taking Metformin if you're ploughing through carbs and sugar like there is no tommorow.

Carbohydrates are turned into sugar by the body.

If you're suffering from PCOS or Insulin Reisitance your body can't manage the sugar spikes that come from eating carbs and sugar. Your blood sugar goes up and your body gets signals that say "AHA, This Gets Turned Into FAT Now !!!

To stop this cycle you need to eat like a diabetic.

The Glycemic Index was originally devloped to help diabetics choose foods that didn't cause harmful blood sugar spikes. It's just a list of foods and how quickly they are turned into sugar by your body.

The Glycemic Index Diet uses the Glycemic Index list to develop a diet that is;

1) Balanced

2) Evens out your Blood Sugar

By evening out the peaks of your blood sugar, your body doesn't get those chemical signals that tells it to pack fat on. It is theorized that evening out the valleys prevents those cravings for carbs that happen when your blood sugar is low.

I went on a reduced calorie GI Diet. I was restriced to 1,300 calories a day. I honestly didn't even count calories as I was provided with a list of things I could eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

All I had to do was write down what I had eaten and when. I was councelled not to let myself get hungry. Of course with my hectic schedule, this wasn't always possible. So I also wrote down if I felt hungry and what time. 

My dietician worked with me to find out what works. If I get fed up eating a particular food, I pick up the phone and ask for an alternative. I don't make it a problem. 

If I cheat, I don't use it as and excuse to chuck the baby out with the bathwater. I just stick to the diet for the rest of the day.

I eventually started forgetting to take my Metformin. I've also not stuck to my diet except in the most general principles. For example, I don't eat bread/soda/sugar.

 I'm down 34 lbs in 8 months.

I am still losing weight

That counts as a win in my book.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Fake it till you make it.

Some days I wonder how I could be expected to take care of myself, far less be trusted to be a responsible adult-type person. Is this how most of us feel ??

I think of myself as a really good actress, and I must be, to fool the people who trust me to be an adult. If they only knew...

I'm the person who runs through her house 5 mins before the housekeeper comes, desperately trying to hide the fact that I live like a total slob.

I'm the person who makes up detailed stories in her head about a book (that I would love to write and never will) and acts them out in my living room, usually with the song that insipred the scene blaring on my radio or computer speakers. ("Teardrop" by Massive Attack is my new fav, btw.)

I'm the person who would rather stay at home, than go out and deal with the whole "I'm available and so are you" scene. That's why I make myself go out and be sociable.

I'm the person who's been approached twice in recent weeks for no-strings-attached sex. My inner hellion had a little fantasy about one of them, my more rational side said "you jiggle when you walk, at least fuck someone who's not going to laugh at you when you strip".

I'm the person who talks a good game, but can't bring it. I don't know how to flirt!!! My inner hellion evaporated when I had the ex in bed. I was all "lie back and think of England" when he was expecting a partner who actually, you know..... moved ??? 

I'm trying my best over here, falking it for all I'm worth. Trying to convince myself that I am worthy of love, worthy of being desired by another person. 

Worthy of being a functional adult. With my hellion streak and all....

In keeping with this theme; I was called "Ma'm" the other day and spent a good few seconds wondering who they were refering to, before I realised it was Me. I ended up giggling to myself as I drove off with Prodigy's #1's blaring from the speakers of my car.

I mean, I just got a belly piercing!! Is that something that an adult would do ?? Somehow I think not..

...unless they were really cool ;)


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Laurell K. Hamilton's - Skin Trade

I just downloaded this book.
I haven't even opened it yet and I'm cringing.
I used to love the Anita Blake series.
They were about a human living in a monsters world.
It has since changed to the human being the biggest monster.
All the humanity has been sucked out of the character and the books.
I still want to find out what happens, so I'll inflict this crap on myself again.
Once more into the breach my friends..

Once more.
