Hep B tests came back negative for myself and mum, so we both hightailed it over to the local GP to get stuck with the first dose (one of three) of vaccine.
My arm feels like someone worked it over with a 2X4. Mum has no discomfort.
Dad arrived back in Trinidad and looks like one of George Romero's finest.
Poor guy. We tucked him into bed and decamped to the kitchen table, there to smoke many ciggs and plot how we are going to keep his friends away once they realise he's back. (Family has been informed of the actual reason for his return).
Me: We could tell them he picked up cholera !! Epic vomiting and squits, nasty enough to keep them away, plus no Trini would die of cholera !!!
Mum: Errrr, I'm not sure I want the Ministry of Health turning up and quarantining us, thanks.
Me: You're no fun...
A few minutes later...
Me: Swine Flu ?
Mum: I am not wearing a damn mask.
Shows how well my mind works on a steady diet of ciggs and worry at 10 in the bloody evening.
We finally settled on telling whoever wants to know that he's got an as yet un-indentified "Bug".
This "Bug" has given him the gift of jaundice that is quite bloody visible if you know him. He was white, he's now a sickly shade of yellow. This includes the whites of his eyes.
Liver function tests will be done tommorow.
Ahmm ah prayin.