Saturday, May 17, 2008

May you live in interesting times - Chinese curse

I came home from visiting friends last night at about 8pm to find that the BF was having stomach "issues". The kind of issues that required me to take him to the ER (finally) at about 1am this morning. He was GREY and writhing in pain, I knew that he had to go, it was just a matter of waiting until HE realised it.
We have no health insurance and our Visa debit card only allows withdrawals/purchases up to $3,000 a day. We had walked with $1,000 in cash which was quickly sucked up by the Stomach X-Rays and blood tests in the ER.
The blood tests came back with an elevated pancreatic enzyme, so they wanted to admit him.
We had to call his mother to come and pay the $8,500 deposit required by the clinic for admittance. Thanks Aunty !
An IV drip, 2 doses of Zantac, Gravol and Boralgin (sp?) later and he was still hurting bad. By that stage he had been retching so much that everything was tinged with blood, he had burst some tiny vessels in the whites of his eyes and was asking me to put him out of his misery.
It wasn't until about 2:30am when they finally relented and gave him a shot of Demerol that he got relief.
I hung around until he told me to go home at about 3am this morning.
He was re-tested at 7:30 this morning, the levels came back normal and he was allowed to come home at midday.
All in all, it could have been allot worse, I am very grateful that the Great Food Poisoning Episode of 2008 only came up to $3,800 and we can pay back his mother immediately.
I will be looking into Health Insurance on Monday.

On another note I weighed 216 lbs this morning.  I have not exercised since the Billy Blanks debacle a few days ago and I ate a whole loaf of fresh baked bread that I did after my stove was fixed.

Joy !

Friday, May 16, 2008

A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise - Pooh's Little Instruction Book, inspired by A. A. Milne

The hose that connects my LPG cylinder to my stove cracked yesterday. A replacement hose couldn't be found until this morning. So I used that as an excuse to go out, buy and eat 2 doubles for breakfast and a 3 piece snack pack of fried chicken for dinner last night.

Yay Me!

This isn't the end of the world. It just means that I am going to watch what I eat very closely for the next few days.

I'm also going to increase my workouts.

I am already a trembling mess after trying to follow fucking Billy Blanks and his disgustingly fit lady friends on the "Ultimate Boot Camp, Abs" DVD last night.

Dude, here's a HINT. The people who buy your DVD's are. not. fit.

They would like to be, thus they purchase your DVD's to follow your tight ass as you bounce through various contortions like Stretch Armstrong on CRACK.
Mr. Blanks, you asking the audience if they would like to do push-ups made me laugh as I couldn't get my fat ass off the floor after 15 mins of attempting to make my body do bad things to itself.

Anyone want a slightly used Billy Blanks exercise DVD and exercise mat ?

My weight this morning was 216.5lbs.

I was so convinced that the scale was wrong that I had the BF hop on. The good news is that the scale is correct. The Bad News... I'm 5lbs heavier than the BF.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Life is a sexually transmitted disease - R. D. Laing

I decided that I would stick with famous quotes as titles. I promptly found the most ironic and sarcastic quotes ever uttered or written. You'll be seeing quite a lot of them in the future.


I weighed myself this morning, just out of curiosity.



How in the hell did I lose a half pound in a day ?
I drank craploads of water, had a full meal for lunch and a sandwich for dinner, with a huge bowl of salad in between. The only thing I did differently was walk for 20 mins on the treadmill yesterday. Did I really sweat off 1/2 a lb ?

I knew I was sweating alot, but daaaaaamn.

I'm sure I'm going to look back at this and laugh when I am struggling to maintain a healthy weight, but right now with a B.M.I of 38.4%, I am torn between being shocked/pleased.

On another note, since thyroid "issues" run in my family, I have decided that I am going to have my thyroid levels checked tomorrow.
My hair has been thinning for a while now, with my individual hair shafts also thinning. I don't have any other symptoms, but the hand fulls of hair that fall out all over the place every damn day are getting to me (the sight of scalp where once grew hair is also deeply disturbing).
I would like to be able to have my hair down without it turning into a major frizz ball. The rate of growth is also annoying, I've been trying to grow out this particular cut for what seems like years now.
I don't know if to hope that they find something, or if to hope that the levels are normal and my hair is just having a bad year.


Ah gorrrn.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Every journey begins with a single step.

I've always wanted to use that quote somewhere :)

I am hoping to change my life and my lifestyle.

I quit smoking 9 days ago on Friday 2nd May 2008.
Prior to this I was smoking between 2-3 packs per day. Quitting has been amazingly easy and unbelieveably hard to accomplish at the same time.
I quit cold turkey. I ran out of ciggs on a friday night and just said, "Fuckit, I'm done."
Some days I breeze through, other times every goddammed second seems to last an eternity and all I want to do is pick up my car keys and drive to the grocery or gas station so I can get a fucking SMOKE.
I have not had a ciggarette in 9 days, I am very proud of myself.

I honestly didn't know that I would be able to accomplish this.

I weighed 220lbs on the 2nd May 2008. This was the heaviest I have ever been in my life. I was drinking a whole 2 litre Coca-Cola by myself every day.

As of today, Tuesday 13th May 2008, I am 217.5 lbs. I am very well aware that I will never reach my supposed "goal" weight of 140lbs and I am fine with that.
I have no goal weight in mind. I just want to be healthier.

I want to be able to buy clothes that I look good in, not just whatever can fit. 

I think that's going to be it for my first post. I just wanted to get that off of my chest and out there into the wilds of the internet.

See ya round.